Monday, October 02, 2006

I saw a challenge that somone issued themself on their blog which was to write every day for the entire month of August. Unfortunately they fell short after the first two weeks because of different things going on in their life. But still I thought it was a nice idea. It is now the second day of October. I will try to make a post every calender day. Why?Because I want to. I give myself no guidlines other than that I must write something on here. If it is mindless chatter then obviously nothing worthy of writing about has happened, but thats what happens.

If yesterday was any indication of how eventful the monht of October is going to be... well I fear for the world. Yesterday a lot happened. People were up in arms. A relationship ended. There was screaming. There was hiding in bathrooms. There was no sleep until 5:30 this morning, followed by class at 10 am. It was certainly eventful. I wrote a scene this weekend for playwriting. I actually like it. It's very true to life, in that it actually did happen practically word for word to me. But still I like it. Woohoo.

I'm scared of Wednesday. Actually of Tuesday too. Thursday on top of that. I won't know my lines for tomorrow it feels. Wednesday- I don't know what songs to have ready. Thursday I have a test in chemistry. I don't know what to study.

This will be the longest week evar.

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