Saturday, September 23, 2006

I feel like an idiot. Ignore the audio post below. It was just a test. I am so worried about Sunday. I am going to be so ill-prepared. I can't find a song. I already was informed that my songs pretty much suck for me in general and now to only have not even 4 days to figure out songs.... it sucks so I won't be ready and yeah. I'm jsut that awesome. I also feel like a big douchebag because I sent both Kait and Brian different emails asking questions. Pretty much I just feel like I'm over anxious. Maybe I am but I really just want to do well because I feel like I am the least trained in the ways of professional theater of everyone in the group. Oh well. Going into the city tomorrow with Jess and Jim to see History Boys again. It shall be a grand time.

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