Sunday, February 24, 2008

dunk drunk drunk drunk drunky mcdrunkerson.

for reals.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I found this.

I didn't write it. But that doesn't stop it from being true.
Very, very true.

"I just want to go to every rest stop in America. I want to hang my clothes on a clothesline and wear yellow rubber gloves when I do the dishes. I want to be a librarian; I want to marry a janitor. I want to go to a prom. I want to eat cheese doodles in the car and wear a black hoodie sweatshirt. I want my car to break down at night. You and I will run into a haunted house and kiss for hours. I want to drink whiskey and watch a movie somewhere far away. I want to see the weather change when I drive. I always want to hear your voice in my house, I love that sound. I wish we were trapped in an attic. I wish we were driving to Nebraska, we could make out in cornfields. I'll make you oatmeal and then we'll drive and drive. I want to go fishing and not talk for hours. "

Monday, February 18, 2008

kicking it around.

Well today's date is February 18.
If I want to try and get something into Equinox I need to have it finished and submitted by March 6th. I didn't want to submit anything but its been pointed out to me that the school will be more receptive and willing to workshop or do a reading of or do something with my senior project when the time comes. And also a few people have told me I should do something for it, just for the sake of writing and submitting and all that fun. So yeah, I decided I would.
And at the moment this is the idea I am kicking around. And by kicking around I mean I've started to write but I'm not sure if I like it.

At a college radio station.
-will cover one night of the show, discussing ‘college’ issues like majors and whats the point of them – how to choose them? How are we supposed to know what we want to do for the rest of our lives at the age of 17, because that’s how old we are when we apply to school. As the different outsiders come by (or call in!) they’ll add their two cents and by the end the host ‘Sam’ will realize that its okay to not know what you’re doing with your life, so long as you don’t let that limit yourself. There may be an in studio guest and also different call-ins such as stoners who make no sense and different drunks, but also those who add to the conversation and make valid points about college life and knowing who you are and what you want to do- without being under the influence of… something.

we'll see what happens. if i can finish it. if i can figure out what i want to do. if i can get anywhere with writing at all.

i have way to many projects going on at the same time.
and oh shit- i have a report due on the musical 'working' on the 6th too.

Friday, February 08, 2008

'What time of day are you?'

You are 2:11 a.m.

Your time of day has a split personality -- sometimes it's sweat-streaked and loud, and you're on the dance floor, getting your third wind, and shouting lyrics like you'll never run out of energy. You are the time of night that carves itself into your memory forever, because you'll never forget how much you love these people and this moment and this song. It's not always about unforgettable parties, though. Sometimes your late night (err… early morning) burst of energy happens when you're home alone. Those are the times when you say, "I flat out refuse to go to sleep until I finish reading this book, or typing this page, or reorganizing my entire closet." In either case, you are the time of night when it feels sort of forbidden to be awake, but you love accomplishing something special long after everyone else went to bed. And hey -- you can always catch up on sleep tomorrow, right?

sounds about right.

tech starts tonight.
so not cool.
i am already feeling like i'm falling behind but after this week i'm going to be screwed. what a way to truly start the semester...

i am not all about this.
i seriously want to just finish this semester right now.
i want to move to new york immediately and start working.
or have an internship. or just do something.
i am over school work right now.
and its not because i dont like it, i love it.
but i'm just so tired.
i just want a little break or something.
but i'm not going to get one until march 8th.
i am counting the days for the next month with an eagerness unknown.

like seriously.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

if they didn't hurt they wouldn't call them crushes.

that john hughes knows something...

also i am already dead from this semester and its only the second monday/ 3rd week of sort. its gonna be a long semester. a really very long semester.