Tuesday, February 13, 2007

the kindest words i'll ever know are waiting to be said...

all i want to do right now is sleep.
i am finished rehearsal right now.
we actually finished about an hour early.
then nicole and i went to the grill.
and now i'm here.

and Cinderella starring Brandy is on. Thats quality.
Who knew Whoopie Goldberg and Victor Garger could have an asian son?
that takes some talent on all sides.
And then theeres Whitney Houston before she went hardcore crackwhore.
I personally prefer Leslie AnneWarren andGinger Rogers and Celest Holm and the rest from the 60s tvmoviecast. But whatever.

Tomorrow is Valentines Day. Ugh.
I really have nothign against the Saint Valentine. Go him for breaking the law and marrying young couples who were in love. Like really its cool that he got killed doing something he believed in and whatnot. But the commercial piece of crap that the day has turned into kills me. Its just a stupid celebration of "love" that is really about most couples having sex or something. Why do you think November is the height of baby season? Whateverrrr.
But really it feels like the day has changed in spirit from what it was originally intended to be- now it seems more like a shit on singles day. and since i have been single every valentines day of my life... well you get the picture.
tomorrow will add to that of course. and i'll wanna shoot myself. or go to sleep.
probably the latter since thats all i ever want to do. for serious all i want to do anymore is sleep. every moment. last night i fell asleep at 11. i woke up this morning at 8:30 for class. thats still 9 and a half hours. last week i slept for 12 hours one night 10 another. today between classes and rehearsal i napped and now i am going to have some dinner and pass out again probably.
i told nicole i have mono or something and to please not hit me in the spleen or else i'll die. i know its not a good thing to joke about but with the amount of time i am sleeping it seems like the only answer!

the asian prince is searching for cinderella to fit the shoe to her foot. and bernadette peters is lying about brandy being hidden in the kitchen. tsk tsk.

and now everythings happy and it all works out.
why cant life be a rodgers and hammerstein musical where everything works out for the best if you are the good intentioned one? sure the evil people get screwed over but if you're good things might work out (unless its carousel. if you're good there your husband will kill himself and then comeback and hit your daughter out of "love")
life would be so much easier if it worked out like a musical.

btw- i would totally make out with you like right now.

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