Tuesday, February 20, 2007

i'd appreciate it if you'd keep my name out of your mouth.
thank you.

you have no idea what it is thats going on in my head and my heart.
and i'd prefer to keep it that way.
there are some things that need to be worked out on my own.
this is one of them.
i need to find my own way, on my own terms, in my own time.

nothing you say or try to do is going to change that.
i am who i am.
i don't need to be fixed or changed or anything.
this is me.
these are my thoughts.
and my opinions.
no one is forcing them down your throat.
your taking them on your own.

in other news i already have a lot more done on my play. i'm just waiting for the okay from frank warren. i hope he grants me permission. if not then I guess I can change everything. It won't stop postsecret from having been the inspiration. i have four monolouges finished already. from different presepctives. one is a gay priest. one is a man who just had his marriage proposal refused. one is a girl who wants to learn to wink so badly because of what it could do for her social life (at least in her mind). and one is a woman married to a man whos been crippled.
i like where i'm going with these.
i hope they work out.

and allen gave me a new song today- Somewhere Thats Green!!!!
little shop of horrors.
one of the shows nearest and dearest to my heart.
it makes me happy <3

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