Sunday, February 25, 2007

I'm praying for snow right now.
Or at least more snow than we are currently getting.
I don't want to have class tomorrow.
I don't want to finish my paper that I'm currently writing "Religion In Post-Mao China: Open or Oppressing?"
It's boring me.
Right now I'd prefer to curl up in a ball and read Second Helpings.
Last night I finished rereading Sloppy Firsts.
I just want to continue in the whole story- all three books.
I relate to Jessica Darling way too well.
I swear Megan McCafferty somehow pushed her way into my head.
Or something like that.
But its good. Hopefully I can find my own Marcus Flutie to challenge me the way he does Jessica.
Even if things don't work out perfectly there, for them. Theres still what there was. And what may be- since there is going to be a fourth book.
I would just love to have that kind of connection with someone.
Theres times when I start to think I feel something like that... but then its gone in a matter of moments or sometimes days.
Its dissapointing.
But maybe its just not my time yet.
Maybe I need to wait it out... maybe then I'll find what I need.
Or who I need.
Although it would be really nice to find that someone right now, whoever he is.

So maybe I try too hard
But it's all because of this desire
I just wanna be liked
I just wanna be funny
Looks like the jokes on me
So call me captain backfire

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