Tuesday, December 29, 2009

wasting time

2009 - thank god it's almost over...


Stayed single almost the whole year?

Done something you've regretted?
i try not to regret anything major i've done.

Lost someone?
yes (<3 RIP Spanky)

Cut class?

Were involved in something you'll never forget?
oh yes.

Visited a different country?
Nope, not in 2009.

Cooked a gross meal?
it's likely.

Lost something important to you?

Got a gift you adore?

Tripped over a coffee table?
Most definitely.

Dyed your hair?

Came close to losing your life?
Not that I know of.

Went to a party?

Read a great book?

Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live?
YES! Best birthday ever.

2009: Friends and Enemies

Did you meet any new friends this year?

Did you dislike anyone?

Did you grow apart from anyone?
Unfortunately, but it was inevitable I guess.

Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
Time management issues, plus the whole being in school while my friends are all out in the real world.

2009: Your BIRTHDAY!

Did you have a cake?
Nope. But I did get some sort of Stephen Starr dessert with a candle on top.

Did you have a party?
Nope. A concert.

Did you get any presents?
A hair cut, a pedicure, gift cards to the book store and mountain goats tickets.

Were you single?

2009: All about YOU

Did you change at all this year?
Yes. It's impossible to stay completely the same, isn't it?

Did you change your style?
My clothes became more simplistic. Black leggings, white mens t-shirts, ballet flats/flipflop/boots.

Were you in school?

Did you get good grades?
Good enough.

Did you drive?

Did you own a car?
No need.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not that I know of. Anyone wanna fess up?

Did you move at all?
Only for the summer.

Did you go on any vacations?

Would you change anything about yourself now?

2009 WRAP UP:

Was 2009 a good year?
It was a year of really high highs and incredible lows.

When did things change for you if they did?
May 11, July 2, September 12.

Do you think 2010 will be better then 2009?
Yes. I hope so at least.

My best friends in 2009 were?
ACH. Family. 1414.

In 2009 I....

(x) stayed single for the whole year
( ) kissed in the snow
( ) celebrated Halloween
( ) had your heart broken
( ) mooned someone
( ) went over the minutes on your cell phone
( ) someone questioned your sexual orientation
( ) came out of the closet
( ) gotten pregnant
( ) had an abortion
(x) done something you've regretted


( ) painted a picture
(x) wrote a poem
(x) ran a mile
( ) shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
(x) posted a blog on MySpace
( ) visited a foreign country
(x) cut in a line of waiting people
(x) told someone you were busy when you weren't
(x) partied to celebrate the new year
(x) cooked a disastrous meal
( ) lied about how old you were
( ) prank called someone

In 2009 I also....

[x] broke a promise
[ ] fell out of love
[x] told a little white lie
[x] lied
[x] cried over a broken heart
[x] disappointed someone close
[x] hid a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[x] slept under the stars
[ ] kept your new years resolution
[ ] forgot your new years resolution
[ ] met one of your idols
[x] changed your outlook on life.
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[x] pretended to be sick
[ ] left the country
[ ] almost died
[x] given up on something/someone important to you
[x] lost something expensive
[x] learned something new about yourself
[x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
[x] made a change in your life
[x] found out who your true friends were
[x] met great people
[x] stayed up til sunrise
[x] cried over the silliest thing
[x] had friends who were drifting away from you
[x] had a high cell phone bill
[x] spent most of your money on food
[ ] had a fist fight
[x] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
[x] gotten sick


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