Thursday, June 04, 2009


Its strange to think about things that happen in your life. The moments that really make you who you are. That define you. It seems to me a lot of the time these moments can be ones you didn't necessarily think would be so important. It's not until later, with hindsight, that you realize how much hinged upon one decision. One thought. One moment.

You make a decision. You leap. Or you hide under the covers. You chose to work as hard as humanly possible. Or you decide to slack off for the time. You take a real true risk. Or you play it safe. You open yourself up completely to any and all possibilities. Or you close yourself off.

I'm not sure what is it that I'm talking about or where exactly I'm going with this but I know that these moments are happening every day, every second really. These tiny, infinitesimal, immeasurable changes. All the time.

It scares me sometimes to think like this. That time is just going by and that every little thing I do will eventually add up to something big and that will be the sum total of my life. What will i have to show for myself? What will there be to speak of when someone says "Caitlin Reed" ?

I'm being overly dramatic and morose but its just the kind of day I'm having.

I don't know what else to do but ponder these kind of thoughts. Over think, as I always do, and while away the hours with contemplations on nothing.

God that was such an overblown sentence. Pardon me, when I get to rambling I end up sounding pompous. Its not intentional. Its just what happens unfortunately. A part of the job- or the me in this case.

I'm so odd. Just ignore all of this. i don't evne know why I'm writing anymore.
{robably because i'm in the box office and feel like theres nothign better for me to do cause there is nothing going on. We have an incredibly tiny audience for the show tonight and no calls and I just feel absolutely useless at the moment. So yay. Go me. and all that jazz.

The end. I'm going to return to wasting time on twitter or facebook or cheesy internet games that I can't seem like such and asshole with, as I do right now with what I'm typing.


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