Sunday, April 27, 2008

a long list of wants (201 posts as of now)

a long list of wants.

This is what I wrote during MT History on Thursday.
I probably should pay attention in class, but this happens instead.

I want to take walks down these Philadelphia streets in the sun and in the rain. I want to run around Washington Square and be happy. I want to have a boy who will call me at 2 am to say goodnight or at 4am to sing drunken voice mails for me. I want him to love my voice. I want someone who will be willing to hold my hand. I want him to not be ashamed of having fun, of acting foolish. I want him to want to go out some nights. I want him to want to stay in others. I want him to go flower picking in the sidewalk cracks with me. I want to make daisy chains. I want to feel free and unencumbered. I want to sit on the marble steps and sip cool lemonade. I want to write songs and stories and poems. I want to make a prank phone call. I want to walk along the river. I want to dance an Irish jig. I want to be invincible. I want to feel a real connection. I want to listen to an opera. I want to really speak French. I want to walk barefoot down a cobblestone street. I want to visit Italy. I want to understand Braille. I want to take over the world. I want to be the only one. I want to read a new book everyday. I want to act on a stage. I want to win a Pulitzer Prize. I want to understand. I want love. I want hand holding. I want hugs in the morning and kisses at night. I want to feel full. I want to be held. I want a life. I want a ring from a machine. I want a bouncy ball. I want a pony! I want to lose it. I want to lose control. I want to be unique. I want to be commanding, but not domineering. I want success. I want a boy. I want a boy who is funny. I want a boy who is cute- to me at least. I want a boy who can laugh and sing and play guitar and hold hands and make flower crowns and dance and play and love and be serious and talk and write and understand and comprehend and think and just be with me. And be happy.

I really just want to be happy.

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