Tuesday, February 16, 2010


It seems to me that everything in life comes down to timing. Things as big as love, career, and family, death even. But even things as small as crossing a street or catching a subway. It's all in the timing. So, what can we do? No one has completely perfect timing. Do we make every effort to take control of our lives and get our choices as precisely timed as possible? Or do we go with the flow and let life come at us as it will?

In my 23 years I have tried both of these approaches to life. Throughout my college career especially, I have attempted to control everything as well as I could. This is a part of why I am such a good stage manager (which I am.) But in the past six months or so I have stopped. Stopped trying to control and rule and force my life to take a certain direction. I came to more of a 'go with the flow' type of persona. Things became easier. I still get my work done, I see my friends and I am less stressed.

I have an idea of what led to this change in me this past summer. It was a result of multiple things but it was truly born out of a lack of control. When I felt like my world was falling apart even with my attempts at ruling it. I was grasping at straws at this point. This summer I truly learned that there are things in life you cannot plan for or predict or even expect at all.

This realization is the one that broke me, spurred my change. And while I would give anything to not have come to this transition in my life, I know not that is not possible. And I know that I an now the better for it. With everything that may not be going well in my life I am happier now than I have been in a long time.

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