Wednesday, August 05, 2009

'I want to know what passion is while I am young..."

"It was all there: how his skin would feel against my fingertips, the strands against my palm, his hands rising up to my waist. "

Wasting time in the box office looking through my randoming writings.
It's quite fun how little sense i make at times, and how clear I can be at others.

I'm thinking about the choices we make. How we make them. What makes us come to those conclusions and decisions. A large portion of the time I just act on instinct. Which is not always the best thing to do, but so it goes. I have yet to completely ruin my life with a decisions I've made (at least not to my knowledge). I believe that some choices have come back and bit me in the ass, but for the most part I'm fairly satisfied with where I am. With who I am. With who I've become. I may not be the smartest, or the prettiest, or the best at anything, but I'm fairly content. And I think thats about all you can ask for in a world that is so full of unhappiness and upset. I'm good enough for me. Thus far.

Let's give it a few more months and see what I end up doing by the time I turn 23. I could concievable ruin my whole life by then (I'm not sure how, i'm just saying it is a legitimate possibility)

I simply amaze myself (not really, this is all lies).

This whole 6 hour shift thing really does not work for me. I get to antsy and bored for it. And thats with giving myself a break at 615 to get something from the chocolate bar. Bah. It kind fo sucks being trapped in this tiny, cold box. With everyone staring at you. Especially when you're having such a horrible hair day (which I currently am). Unfortunate. And I have the same shift tomorrow night : /
This will be a party. Totally.

I guess I should get back to doing my job, whatever that means.
I leave you with a quote, a favorite of mine.

"We're all terrified, but let's just live anyways" - Raul Esparza

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