Thursday, October 04, 2007

give me some credit...

like... maybe?

it seems that i get taken advantage of.
people dont give credit where credit is due.
i do what is needed and someone else claims it was all them.
or they gloss over me.
or ignore me.
or whatever.

and it kinda sucks.

this is fairly unprovoked.
i just felt it needed saying.

i should get back to studying.

but i really don't want to.

i can't wait to go to fd tomorrow.
i'm just kind of scared.
i dont know why... but i have this irrational fear that everyone will be like "you left? seriously? i didn't even notice..."
my paranoia at an all time high.
if that does happen it will most definitly back up my irrational fear that i dont matter.
because i do have one-
i'm insanely paranoid that i am making no mark on this world, and on no one in it.
they may say i am but wheres the proof?
i know i've never een one for math or science but they do have one good thing- empirical evidence.
you can't knock that down....
but what people say- that can be pushed away with the flourish of a hand.

back to survey.

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